- Association of German Development Services (AGdD)
- Bread for the World
- Caritas Germany
- Caritas Switzerland
- Centre for the Protection of Children (Kyrgyzstan)
- Civil Peace Service (CPS) Consortium
- DGB Bildungswerk NRW
- Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe
- Doctors without Borders/Médecins sans Frontières
- Engagement Global
- Evangelische Akademie Villigst
- Forum Civil Peace Service
- German Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management
- Humedica
- Living Withour Armament/Ohne Rüstung Leben
- Maecenata Foundation
- Peace Direct
- PLANCO Consulting
- Protestant Academy Bad Boll
- Reutlingen University
- Technisches Hilfswerk (THW)
- University of Cologne, Institute for Political Science and European Affairs
- University of Tübingen, Institute of Political Science
- Welthungerhilfe
I am a Fellow at the Berlin based Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) and Associated Consultant with FAKT Consult for Management, Training and Technologies. In the district of Tübingen I was head of the refugee Integration Management 2020-2024.