Martin Quack – Peacebuilding & Humanitarian Policy
Martin Quack – Peacebuilding & Humanitarian Policy
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Studies & Research

Political practice should be based on sound concepts in order for it to have a longer-term impact and for it to be communicable and politically effective. Kurt Lewin once said that “there is nothing so practical as a good theory”. I agree with this sentiment. When working on broad policy analysis, specific policy papers or individual questions, I therefore draw on established concepts and theories, as well as on methods and instruments of empirical social science.



Cooperation & Networks

Practice and academia, civil society and state, large organisations and small initiatives, religious and secular actors. Successful cooperation between diverse actors is becoming ever more important. I am acquainted with the full range of different perspectives, concerns and practices and am open to cooperative partnerships – not based on the lowest common denominator, but aiming to achieve more together.


Events & Facilitation

Conferences, workshops and reflections depend on intense participation and require good and creative planning by the stakeholders. The clearer the aims, the sounder the preparation, the more an event is a part of a process, the more it will succeed.


Planning & Evaluation

Political action needs thorough planning and should react flexibly. The better the planning, the easier it is to monitor, evaluate and improve.

Evaluations can be an important instrument for assessment and improvement. It is important to clarify whether an evaluation's main function is learning, whether it should facilitate dialogue or if it is mainly about control or legitimation. There are clear standards for evaluations: they have to be ethical, fair, useful, feasible and accurate.
